First post for the year 2010!
Hmmm. 8-) New year, new wishes!
I hope that things will be better and go smoothly for me!
I hope that all my lovelies will continue to be my lovelies! (:
I hope that everyone around me and of course myself will be happy with the lives we are leading!
Welllllllllllllllllllllllllll, I spent my first day of 2010 w my cats groupmates!
Couldn't think of much creative ideas today :( Mental block ah!!
Thanks ah sockszx for the fries+nuggets for my breakfast+lunch+high tea! :D
After much processes of squeezing our brain juices, we decided to have kfc!
It seems like after cats project we will always end up eating kfc all thanks to me! :$:$
As usual, after dining we ended up chatting cum gossiping. OOOOOOPS.
Chatted till my butt became square :/
Yq and I wanted to play pianooo but the shop was closed :(
Jiu home sweet home aftermath le looooooooooooooooo.
Stomach hurting me like hell. BOOOOOO :(
But I managed to complete 宫心计! (:
Everyone should be like 三好 yo, 说好话做好事存好心!
&&Another one! 最重要的不是知道答案,而是自己开心不开心。
Just hope that I'll be happy regardless of whatever that happens! (: